MIS(Multilateral Interaction with Students)は、カンボジア・ベトナム・フィリピン・ビルマ(ミャンマー)・インドネシア・インド・マレーシアといった計7か国の東南・南アジア各国の学生とともに、年1〜2回ほどのペースでプロジェクトを実行しております。また、普段は、各プロジェクトチームごとに年30回ほどのミーティングを行い、プロジェクトの準備を進めるほか、プロジェクトを円滑に進めるためのマネジメント手法の学習などを行っています。
【JENESYS2019 日ASEAN学生会議】
Sorry for posting late
I would like to introduce the activities of each group from today!
Today we will introduce the activities of Group B “foreign workers”
Group B toured Tokyo and listened to the second lecture, and learned about the current situation of foreign workers in Japan.
In the morning, we toured the Edo-Tokyo Museum and enjoyed learning about Tokyo's history and Japanese culture. Large Kabuki statues and traditional Japanese architectural models seemed to be popular among the participants.
In the afternoon, we visited Sensoji Temple, which is crowded for holidays, and enjoyed the omikuji and eating and walking in Nakamise.
After the sightseeing, Tokai University Associate Professor Masao Manjome gave a 2-hour lecture on the current situation of foreign workers in Japan, along with a lot of statistical data and photos.
I learned from the demographic and economic challenges facing Japan that there is a need to acquire foreign workers and expand overseas, and to achieve this, it is important for people of different cultures to co-create. We were able to receive new guidelines for action plans.