MIS(Multilateral Interaction with Students)は、カンボジア・ベトナム・フィリピン・ビルマ(ミャンマー)・インドネシア・インド・マレーシアといった計7か国の東南・南アジア各国の学生とともに、年1〜2回ほどのペースでプロジェクトを実行しております。また、普段は、各プロジェクトチームごとに年30回ほどのミーティングを行い、プロジェクトの準備を進めるほか、プロジェクトを円滑に進めるためのマネジメント手法の学習などを行っています。
MISが東京大学のホームページにて紹介されました!先日開催したJENESYS2018 日ASEAN学生会議について取り上げられています。
JENESYS2018 Japan-ASEAN Student Conference, in which we were involved as a planning and management team, is featured on the official homepage of the University of Tokyo.
【Intermediate report of JMSI】
We did an inspection about Malaysian health problems (esp. the problem of obesity) for the project which we're planning to do next summer. We did social experiments in Sunway region, and also, we've taken the first step for a new project, which takes place on Borneo island!!
【JVSI 渡航中間報告】
【Intermediate report of JVSI】
The Vietnamese Ho Chi Minh team did a kidsania project at Banana farm.
Children were interested in the work of a teacher and traditional craft man, and others.
先日開催したJENESYS2018 日ASEAN学生会議がNHK World-Japanで取り上げられます!(残念ながら、放送はミャンマーのみですが、、、) 主にGroup A(農業)とGroup C(防災とまちづくり)の2つの分科会がフォーカスされます。放送は3/17(日)の予定です。
【Our work is scheduled to be on NHK】
In Myanmar, JENESYS2018 Japan-ASEAN Student Conference will be featured on NHK World-Japan. It focuses on Group A (Agriculture) and Group C (Community Building), and will be broadcasted on radio program on 17th March.
【Intermediate report of JDSI】
With the cooperation of the NGO called ASHA which runs a school and an orphan in a mini-slum area, we held a workshop for the children on making masks aiming to protect them from the odour of the garbage and air pollution. We used local and minimal materials, which made it more familiar to them and easier for them to make.