MIS(Multilateral Interaction with Students)は、カンボジア・ベトナム・フィリピン・ビルマ(ミャンマー)・インドネシア・インド・マレーシアといった計7か国の東南・南アジア各国の学生とともに、年1〜2回ほどのペースでプロジェクトを実行しております。また、普段は、各プロジェクトチームごとに年30回ほどのミーティングを行い、プロジェクトの準備を進めるほか、プロジェクトを円滑に進めるためのマネジメント手法の学習などを行っています。
【JPSI 2019 春渡航報告】
[活動地域] マニラ(フィリピン)
[参加人数] 7期10人、パーティシパンツ
2/27 マニラ着。提携先と顔合わせ
2/28 提携先と今後の予定について共有・現地の小学校を訪問
3/1 アテネオ大学を訪問・日本語学部の教授にお話を伺う
3/2 スラム街を2か所視察、現地の日本人学校のイベントにおいて情報収集
3/3 昨日の活動をフィードバック・提携先と現地の博物館を訪問
3/4 現地で最も発展している街(マカチ)を視察
3/5 セブへ移動
3/6 セブで活動している日本のNGOを視察
3/7 観光尺
3/8 東京着
【JPSI 2019 Spring project report】
[Project Area] Manila, Cebu(Philippines)
[Project Members] 10 members from 7th +participants, Project Partner: CLAY
2/27 Arrived Manila. Met with CLAY
2/28 Shared the schedule with CLAY, Visited the elementary school
3/1 Visited the Ateneo University and got the advice from the professor
3/2 Visited two Slums, Got the information by participated in the event of the Japanese school of Manila
3/3 Feedback the activity of 3/2, Visited the museum with CLAY
3/4 Visited the most developed city in Manila (Makati)
3/5 Move to Cebu
3/6 Visited the Japanese NGO that works in Cebu
3/7 Sightseeing
3/8 Arrived Tokyo
[The content of project]
To get the information, data and experience for the summer project, we visited the elementary school, slums, the professor of the university and NGO.
[Purpose of the project]
To tackle on the problem in education or street children, we went to the educational institution such as university and elementary school and slums that street children live and NGO that support the street children.
[Activity of project]
For the elementary school, we took the survey to learn about the educational situation and interviewed the teachers. For the street children, we let them to drew what they want to be in the future and get to know how they imagine about their future. For the NGO and the professor, we got the advices about conducting project itself.
[The result of the project]
We could get the useful data and experiences for the summer project and we could build good relationship with new project partner, CLAY.