MIS(Multilateral Interaction with Students)は、カンボジア・ベトナム・フィリピン・ビルマ(ミャンマー)・インドネシア・インド・マレーシアといった計7か国の東南・南アジア各国の学生とともに、年1〜2回ほどのペースでプロジェクトを実行しております。また、普段は、各プロジェクトチームごとに年30回ほどのミーティングを行い、プロジェクトの準備を進めるほか、プロジェクトを円滑に進めるためのマネジメント手法の学習などを行っています。
日程 8/29~9/8
活動地 クアラルンプール、クチン、スリアマン
人数 6期:3人 7期:5人 8期:10人
【JMSI 2019summer A Brief Report of Our Trip】
Date: 8/29~9/8
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Kuching, Sri Aman
Member: 18 students in total (3 from 6th, 5 from 7th, 10 from 8th)
① to raise the awareness of the lifestyle related diseases
②To conduct a survey in the village in Sri Aman
① Project at Sunway University
② Interview survey with the village people
①We taught the significant risk of the lifestyle related diseases and how to prevent them to the students of Sunway University
②We grasped the present situation of the village, and collected the necessary information to start a new project
■Future tasks
①We may need to find a new partner to launch a new project in KL.
②We are not sure whether we can manage the two projects at the same time. /We have not agreed on the policy of the new project in Borneo.
The trip to the village was a completely new experience for all of our team members, including the senior students. Though we had felt a little insecure before the visit, we spent meaningful time there, thanks to a warm welcome from the village people.